Thursday, December 15, 2011

Annual Christmas Letter

It’s that time of year again when we find ourselves snuggled inside, sipping hot chocolate and working on letters to Santa while the wind and rain outside beat on the window panes. Suddenly, a football goes flying across the table. We all wince for a half-second then return to sipping our chocolate and adding marshmallows as they melt. One parent calmly reminds the perpetrator to please wait until everyone is done drinking so the drinks don’t spill. The other serenely adds, “Please play catch and not dodge ball with the football.” In some households, one might hear yelling about no football in the house, but it’s the price we pay for the beautiful green landscapes that surround us all year -sometimes outside activities come inside for a season. ‘Tis the life we live with three active boys and the growing girls not far behind! We hope our annual letter finds you happy and healthy, full of anticipation for another year of excitement and surprises, or at least the occasional flying football.
Rebekah is fifteen months old and doing what most toddlers do . . . walking all over the place, climbing up onto the kitchen table, pulling milk cartons out of the recycling bin, crawling up and down the stairs and anything else she can find to give her parents a scare. She still ends up with more food on her face and in her lap than she ever gets in her mouth, but still insists on feeding herself. She is saying “Mama”, “beep-beep” (when she honks your nose), “ruff-ruff” and “meow.” She identifies face parts and is especially fond of poking you in the eye, when you ask her to. She is loads of fund and is just big enough to start playing with her big sisters.
Elisabeth is two and her life revolves around being a mom. She constantly totes around one or two baby dolls (all named Sally) or several small puppies (all named Max) every where she goes. She loves to be held and cuddled herself and likes to put on her own music and dance ballet. She takes after her older brother, Matthew, with her wild imagination and frequently tells us, “My other mom said that I could come and play your family!” We are continually surprised and amused by her stories. She is learning all her shapes and loves drawing them on the foggy shower door with her fingers. Elisabeth is also very artistic and can sit for hours with her water colors and crayons.
Abby is five and in kindergarten this year. She is tops in her for reading and, unlike her brothers who simply want to get done with their homework as quickly as possible so they can go play, Abby asks to do her homework! She happily sits at the table, coloring neatly and drawing in great detail, making sure every page is just right before moving on to the next. Rather than with dolls, she prefers playing with little baby spoons, random board game pieces, and toothbrushes and making up games that can last for hours. She also likes to dance and is still quick to jump onto the top of tangled dog pile of rascally brothers. Abby is in gymnastics and wants to play T-ball this spring.
Isaac is seven and is going to a charter school twice a week and is at home the rest of the time. He continues to be a leader in our family and is the champion at Nerf Gun Wars and wins most running races these days. He likes to play computers, jump on the trampoline, and excels at every sport he tries. He is a hard worker and does the dishes without being asked! He played soccer and is in gymnastics and is looking forward to baseball. He also started piano and has grown more then all of the kids this year.
Matthew is eight. He decided to return to public school this year and, in addition to riding his bike to school every day, loves having lots of new friends to tell his stories to. He also dis-covered he had a talent for soccer this fall, even though he really wanted to play football. He continues to practice piano and is trying to decide whether to take up the cello (Jenny’s plan) or the trumpet (Chris’s idea). He’s still the comedian of the family and our tender-hearted peacemaker.
Nathaniel is ten. He also attends the charter school several days a week with Isaac to supplement his homeschooling. Some of his favorite classes are Latin Life, Science, and Scratch (computer animation). He is playing the violin with the Eugene Arts Umbrella, and continues to practice piano with Mom. Both he and Matthew are involved in Battle of the Books, where they read and debate books with other groups. He and Matthew are also involved in Cub Scouts. He excelled at soccer this fall and wants to play baseball this spring, but he still loves reading the most.
Jenny is a human taxi this year. On her busiest day, she makes eight trips between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., taking kids to their various activities! She enjoys homeschooling, teaching piano to the boys, working in the Primary Presidency at church, and attends a book club once a month. She is also expecting our last baby in the end of May.
Chris is working for the City of Veneta, just outside of Eugene. He enjoys not having homework every night (at least not his own) and was glad to find a job where he can put his degree to use. He is teaching at church on Sundays and helps with the ward missionary efforts. He tries to make it to basketball at the church during the week and hosts Wrestle Mania events with the kids most evenings.
Have a great Christmas season and a Happy New Year!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

There's no way it's been 11 months...

okay, maybe it has been eleven months since my last post, so sue me!

Everyone on Planet Workman is doing fine. We are all 11 months older and 5-6 months smarter. I'm back in school and continuing my internship with Spanish Fork City. Jenny has started her pre-labor cleaning frenzy as our 6th and last baby is due exactly one week form today. She thinks it's a boy but I know it's a girl. The children have all taken Jenny's side of course, with the exception of Elizabeth who agrees with me (she isn't old enough to cast her own vote yet so I voted for her).
Jenny has been remarkable throughout this entire pregnancy. She continues to home school the boys, entertain the girls, run kids to practices/games, and still keeps up on all the chores. She feels like things are finally catching up to her this week so maybe she'll slow down a bit for the last few days -though I doubt it.

Here's a photo that Ian took of us during Logan and his visit in August. We took a little hike up to Bridal Vail Falls, went to Lagoon for a day, visited Hill Air Force Museum, played at the nickle arcades, and even found time to just hang out in the back yard.

Next post will probably contain a wrinkly, naked, new little Workman baby...consider yourselves warned...

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Visitors From a Friendly Planet

Penny, Wendy, Gizmo, and Todd all came for a visit to help us celebrate Jenny's birthday. We all had a lot of fun and even got out of having to do school a few days!While they were here, we got to visit the pumpkin patch, play in the backyard, go to several parks, and make two trips to the airport (always a hit with the kids). It was hard to see them leave, but comforting to know we'll see them again in just two months.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Moving to Provo

It's been a little over a week since our exodus to Provo, and we can proudly say that the boxes are out of the house and the car is getting parked in the garage! The kids love the backyard and spend every day on the trampoline and the swing set (sometimes "day" begins at 6:30 am for them!). They've invented two new games on the tramp, one is called "Poison Bowl" where they place a cereal bowl (plastic) on the tramp and then jump all around trying not to let the bowl hit them. If you get hit, you have to sit down on the tramp until someone else gets hit and takes your place. The other is like "egg" except that rather than curling up into a ball while everyone else jumps around trying to crack the egg, the person sits on a small chair and tries not to get jumped off the chair. It's pretty funny to watch!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

4th of July Weekend

We had a blast this 4th of July. We went camping at Taylor Park, watched the aprade in Mill City, got to dunk Uncle Jared in the dunk tank, went swimming at Little North Fork, and then went back to Mill City for fireworks to finish out the day. The kids really enjoyed the water and none of them cried during the fireworks display this year (a first for us).

It was a bitter sweet weekend knowing that we won't be around next year because we'll be in Utah, but we look forward to doing it all again in a few years!

Hike to Shelberg Falls

We celebrated the Sabbath over 4th of July weekend with a hike to Shelberg Falls. I think it ended up being about an hour and a half hike in, most of it on a well-maintained gravel road, but the kids all agreed it was well worth it. We stopped and looked at caterpillars and butterflies all along the way. Jenny had the kids convinced that a crazed cow was going to come charging out of the trees at us at any moment (silly Mommy), but fortunately we were able to complete the hike without any heffer-human confrontations.
The falls were beautiful and Jared got all the boys to take a cold shower under the falls. Chris ended up jumping in the water and got both Matthew and Isaac to join him for a few minutes each. We took the opportunity to teach the kids that sometimes the things that are hardest in life are the things that end up being the most worth while. I think they all got the message, at least they where all doing the bobble-head thing...

Thursday, July 2, 2009

What happened to June? and May? and April??

OK, so there's no way it's been over 4 months since I last posted...or has it?

So much has happened since the Masked Offenders, but I'll just get to today as quickly as possible:

Had a baby, got accepted to grad school, found a house to rent in Provo. I think that's it.

We're excited for our upcoming 4th of July weekend especially with Jared and Krystal visiting for the week. I'll include a photo of the house we'll be renting in Provo. It should be plenty big enough for us, and the kids are thrilled about the in-ground trampoline and the swimming pool in the back yard. It will be nice to have a little more space for them to play, not to mention the extra time Jenny will have to spend with them once she's not working.

I'll try to post again, sometime before next quarter!